Friday, March 11, 2011

Thwarted by CR?

I am supposed to be traveling to Jamaica for a Fulbright conference in 9 days.  Weeks ago the Fulbright program said a representative would contact me about securing plane tickets, but as the departure date grew closer and closer and I heard nothing from Fulbright I grew increasingly worried about the situation.  Well, I just received an email from the Fulbright program notifying me that the entire trip may be called off.  The problem, you see, is the Continuing Resolution (CR) the federal government has been operating under for the past two weeks.  Because there has been no fiscal year 2011 budget, no government agency is authorized to spend money past March 18th, which is when the current CR expires. Thus, because my trip is scheduled to run from March 20-24th, the State Department cannot pay for the hotels, plane tickets, and events required unless another CR is passed in the next couple of days.  While I've been hoping for an end (preferably sane) to the budget impasse for quite a while, this new development has given me a strong personal interest in seeing Republicans and Democrats reach a workable compromise.  Time to start holding my breath!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Stephen--what a different type of Fulbright experience you're having! Delays and uncertainties such as this truly show the impact of budgetary stalemates.
