Friday, September 3, 2010

Surprise! It's....A Formal?

I didn't really do all that much today, which I suppose I should relish given that school starts on Monday.  I simply went to campus to hand in my student visa paperwork and check out the bookstore.  I should hear back from the university about my student visa in two months or so.  The bookstore is undergoing some major renovations but the parts of it that are finished are quite nice.  Oddly enough, they sell some really old computer games there: original Starcraft, an old copy of Command & Conquer, etc.  You'd think that video games would be the last thing a University bookstore would sell, but everything's different here in the Caribbean!

The only other thing of significance I did today was to attend matriculation.  It was a lovely affair but to be honest I really wasn't paying attention that much.  Instead I was thinking about my undergraduate matriculation at Hamilton four years ago.  Damn that time went fast!  The other thing that was distracting to me was how formally dressed everyone was.  Almost every guy was in slacks and a dress shirt, some with tie others without, while the ladies were all in dresses and heels.  I on the other hand, was in shorts, a polo shirt (tucked with belt, thankfully), and flip flops; I was damn near close to being the least-dressed person there.  Tellingly enough, the only other severely under-dressed people there were also silly white folks like myself.  There was no dress code indicated on the invitation email sent out last week, so how were we supposed to know!  Also, at my orientation on Monday night, people came in all sorts of outfits so I figured why would it be any different for matriculation????  So, note to self: be prepared for random formal events - people like to dress up here despite the heat.

Tomorrow is shaping up to be much more intense.  Right now I have plans to go paintballing (yes in 90 degree heat!) with members of the Barbadian Defense Force and the U.S. Marines from the Embassy.  I'm trying to avoid thinking about just how badly I am going to get destroyed tomorrow, but I know that between the heat and playing against people whose jobs are to shoot guns at shit, its going to be brutal.  I will charge my camera tonight so that I can take some photos.

So thats all for today.  I know, not very interesting, but tomorrow is likely to be very funny at my expense, so check back in 24 hours!  Also, I added photos of my snorkeling trip to my post from yesterday so check em out.

Goodnight from Barbados!

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