Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Settling Down to the Routine

Hey all,

So there are two reasons I haven't been posting as much as usual recently.  First, when I get home from class at 8pm I am usually too tired to compose anything.  The chance that I can put together coherent sentences is slim (tonight being an obvious exception!).  The second is that I am starting to settle into a daily routine, which while giving my life a bit of stability, is also quite uneventful and uninteresting.  So, I do not want to bore you with petty details such as what I had for lunch today or minor musings about the weather. 

Basically I've just been trying to stay on top of my school work while planning ahead for the rest of the Master's program.  It turns out that my plan to take 4 courses this semester may be up for revision as new information has come to light that might make taking 5 classes this semester and 4 next semester the prudent move.  I should know by Friday what I am doing and will communicate my final plans in another post.

The readings for class are interesting but there's an absolute ton of them.  I would be able to get through more of the articles if I didn't have to prepare each meal, clean, and go shopping frequently.  These things, as I'm sure all of you adults are aware of, really eat into your time and energy (especially in this heat!).  So for now I just do the best I can knowing that this hell-class ends on Friday and therefore I will have my mornings for schoolwork starting next week. 

That's all I can manage for tonight.  I'll try to post some more about cultural observations or what living down here is actually like in the future.

All the best from Barbados,


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